This sweet little guy came into our lives six week sooner than expected. July 31, 2009 Jaxon Gram was born into our family. He weighed 4lb and 14oz. He was only 17 inches long. I guess he wanted to follow in his big brother's footsteps by arrianriving early, and while we were prepared for the possibility of an early delivery, nothing could have prepared me for how fast the delivery would be. We did not waste any time in leaving for the hospital at the first sign of labor, and we still barely made it to GGH. I was already pushing when we pulled into the ER and (since Brian had called ahead to warn them of this) the ER staff came to the car to meet us, prepared to deliver the baby. We did make it up to the OB floor but shortly after, I delivered this little guy, still in my own clothes. Both Brian and I were in complete shock. He was not b
reathing well at delivery and was taken away to be worked on immediately. It was several hours before I was able to hold him but I cherished every second of it because at nearly 6 hours old he was transferred to Memorial hospital of South Bend.

Because I had not been released yet, Brian made the trip to Memorial to be with him

Jax spent 11 days in the NICU before coming home. The main reason he was transferred from Goshen was because he had fluid his lungs and they were underdeveloped. Once these issues cleared up, he mainly needed to learn to eat without a feeding tube. He actually seemed like a giant compared to most of the babies in the NICU next to him. (The baby next to him was born weighing 1lb. 4oz and was the smallest surviving baby in the region) As thrilled as we were to take him home, we actually felt a little guilty because some of the parents had been there for months and still had no idea when their baby would come home.

This picture was taken on the evening that Jaxon came home. I think that the picture says it all. We were exhausted and excited, all at the same time. Things are running a little smoother now than they were 6 weeks ago, but everyday is still a challenge filled with happiness and complete chaos all mixed together. I wouldn't trade it for the world. When we got married 9 years ago, we couldn't have imagined the journey that we would go on while creating our family. Through it all - God is good! I love my four little munchkins that God has given to us on this earth and can't wait to hold the sweet ones that he has taken to heaven. We are so blessed!
You are blessed indeed!!!:) What a little honey! I still want to get over there....maybe for his first birthday????
I am so thankful he is well and that you didn't have him in the van....that would stink!
Great story tho!
And I don't care what Brian says he is mr cutie pie!
WHat a story. I'm so glad you've survived that season so well. So hard to be going back and forth to the hospital every day/night...missing exits, etc. Poor thing! Seems like a long time ago doesn't it?
Loved being with you last weekend. you make things fun!
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