I guess that being "tagged" means that I'm supposed to respond to these questions!
Eight things that I did yesterday
1. Was awake from 1:45 am - aprox. 5:30 am with a sweet baby boy named Ethan who obviously felt like spending some quality time w/his mommy! (is it still considered QUALITY time when mommy is slumped over on the couch and keeps saying..."baby boy...WHAT DO YOU WANT?"
2. Slept for an hour and 15 min
3. Got up to get Nicole ready for school
4. Put Nicole on the bus and crawled back into bed
5. remembered that i forgot to tell Brian (AKA the "trash man") to take out the garbage, thus leaving it for me to do
6. Decided that catching some zzz's before the other kiddos woke up was too lofty of a dream, so I cleaned out my garden beds instead and pulled some weeds in my tea patch!
7. Spent a good portion of my day (on the couch) trying to figure out why i was still awake instead of in bed...then it came to me...IT'S BECAUSE I'M A MOTHER!
8. Ate a nutritious dinner at Taco Bell (technically it was food FROM T.B., but it was consumed in the car) and then got groceries with my hubby only to end my day by falling asleep on the couch watching the Pres. debate! What an exciting day!
My eight favorite places to eat (in no particular order)
1. At home around a Papa john's box of Pepp. Pizza
2. Red lobster
3. Olive Garden
4. Margaritaville
5. my mother - in law's kitchen table
6. Any place with a playland (really some days it has absolutely nothing to do with the food at all!)
7. Chicago house of Blues
8. Ruth's Chris steakhouse (only been there once but loved it!)
Eight of my favorite TV shows
1. CSI
2. Entertainment tonight
3. Dancing with the stars
4. Oprah
5. American idol
6. The office (should have made this #1)
7. The evening news...yes i do like the news! just wish it was more uplifting!
8. old episodes of ER
Eight things that i look forward to
1. A night out with Brian on Friday
2. Fri-Sat-Sun
3. Watching my kiddos grow up
4. Sleeping in ...someday!
5. Sleeping all night!
6. summer coming back again!
7. Decorating for Christmas
8. Life after death!
Eight things that i would have on my wish list
1. A weekend away filled with scrapbooking, massages, facials and shopping with intermittent breaks to see my husband and kids. (Did i say a week-end? cause i meant a week!)
2. Getting back into shape...or atleast better shape
3. For all of my kids to have a relationship with the Lord
4. For all of my kids to marry wonderful Christians and give me lots of grandbabies!
5. For all of my kids to live close by! (One of my biggest fears in life is that my kids will move far away - sounds crazy I know, but I'm gonna have a really hard time letting go!) Nicole has already agreed to either live in our bonus room with her hubby or build a house in the field! I'm sure those of you with teenagers are laughing at me thinking "just wait til those kids get a little older!"
6. Having Ethan potty trained
7. Long, beautiful hair extensions (natural looking of course) and the ability to transform "My do" for any given occasion, with only the click of my heels
8. BABY # 4. (But I don't think that this will happen, atleast not unless Brian's wishes change or unless I...no ...better not...a good submissive wife should not resort to trickery...should she?
And now I am supposed to tag some others! Hhhmmmm...
1. Wanita
2. Jessi (just for good measure even though you've already been tagged)
3. Heather
4. Rose (I know...i know...no tag backs!)
5. Jen